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Sedihnya Presiden Singapura Halimah Yacob pada Lebaran 2020 tanpa kumpul dengan cucu

Minggu, 24 Mei 2020 / 03:29 WIB
Sedihnya Presiden Singapura Halimah Yacob pada Lebaran 2020 tanpa kumpul dengan cucu
ILUSTRASI. Presiden Singapura Halimah Yacob memberikan pemaparan saat Dialog Session Singapore and Indonesia : Strengthening Bridges and Progressing Together di Balai Senat, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, Kamis (6/2/2020). Acara yang diikuti oleh sejumlah

Reporter: Syamsul Ashar | Editor: Syamsul Azhar

KONTAN.CO.ID - Umat muslim dunia mungkin akan merasakan kesedihan serupa pada perayaan Lebaran 2020 ini.

Sebab mereka harus menahan diri untuk tidak bertemu dan berkumpul dengan dengan sanak saudara dan kerabat untuk merayakan Lebaran 2020 bersama-sama.

Sebab semua negara memberlakukan protokol kesehatan ketat untuk mencegah penyebaran virus corona Covid19 di negaranya masing-masing.

Baca Juga: Maaf! Lebaran 2020 ini Presiden Jokowi tidak mudik dan tidak menggelar open house

Tak terkecuali negara seperti Arab Saudi malah menerapkan larangan keluar rumah bagi warganya saat perayaan Lebaran 2020 dengan menerapkan kebijakan lockdown seluruh wilayah. Warga yang melanggar kebijakan lockdown di Arab Saudi pada Lebaran 2020 ini akan mendapatkan sanksi denda yang sangat besar.

Kebijakan ketat untuk membatasi pergerakan warga juga diberlakukan oleh Singapura. Negara ini melarang warganya untuk berkumpul demi mencegah penyebaran virus corona Covid-19.

Baca Juga: Gawat! Sehari jelang Lebaran 2020, kasus corona di Jakarta Sabtu (23/5) melonjak lagi

"Bulan suci Ramadan akan berakhir malam ini dan bulan Syawal ada di depan kita. Ini adalah waktu untuk pengampunan dan penguatan ikatan antara keluarga dan teman," kata Halimah Yacob, Presiden Singapura Sabtu (23/5) di akun instagramnya.



The holy month of Ramadan will come to an end tonight and the month of Syawal is upon us. It is a time for forgiveness and strengthening of ties between families and friends. Hari Raya this year will inevitably feel very different from what we are used to. I will miss seeing my family who would usually gather at my house for the first day, especially my grandchild, whom I have not seen in many weeks. That’s a picture of my granddaughter taken with me last Hari Raya. So I understand how members of the Muslim community feel without large family gatherings and visiting this year. Nevertheless, this should not diminish the joy or meaning of our celebrations. I am glad that while we perform our responsibilities as Muslims in fasting and praying, we have also upheld our responsibilities as Singaporeans to ensure our families and communities are kept healthy and safe by observing the various measures in place. We can leverage technology to stay connected and celebrate together, despite being apart. Some would have made plans to organise e-Open House to welcome guests while donning matching traditional clothes and enjoy Hari Raya meals as a family through video conferencing. I also hope that we remain cautious and responsible even after 1st June, when restrictions loosen up, so that we can prevent a second wave of cases from hitting us, as we have seen happen in other countries. The Hari Raya Istana Open House is cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, for those who are missing our Istana Open House, you can still visit the Istana virtually at graphics.straitstimes.com/STI/STIMEDIA/Interactives/2019/06/istana-at-150-take-a-high-flying-tour/index.html. I hope the website will allow you to have an immersive experience while exploring the Istana. This Hari Raya will be a subdued but unforgettable one, as we celebrate it without visiting our extended families. As the Malay saying goes, “Jauh di mata, dekat di hati”, our loved ones are from our sight but they are still dear and near to our hearts especially during this period. I wish all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (Photo taken during last year’s Hari Raya)

A post shared by Halimah Yacob (@halimahyacob) on

Presiden Singapura Halimah Yacob menyebut, Lebaran 2020 ini pasti akan terasa sangat berbeda dari biasanya."Saya merindukan melihat keluarga yang biasanya akan berkumpul di rumah pada hari pertama Lebaran, terutama cucuku, yang sudah beberapa minggu tidak saya lihat," katanya. 

Dalam unggahan akun instagramnya, Halimah menceritakan foto cucu perempuannya yang diambil pada saat perayaan Lebaran tahun lalu.


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